Introduction – Oracle VirtualBox is an open source and free hypervisor/virtual machine monitor for x86 based computers. VirtualBox 6 supports Linux, Windows, *BSD and other types of guest VMs. This page shows how to install Oracle VirtualBox 6 on Fedora Linux 29.


Procedure to install VirtualBox on Fedora Linux 29

  1. Install virtualbox.repo on Fedora Linux 29 using wget command
  2. Import VirtualBox 6 public key in Fedora Linux 29, run: sudo dnf update
  3. Search for VirtualBox 6 packages on Fedora, run: sudo dnf search virtualbox
  4. To install Oracle VirtualBox 6 on Fedora, run: sudo dnf install virtualbox
  5. Upgrade Oracle VirtualBox 6 in Fedora Linux, run: sudo dnf upgrade virtualbox


Let us see all examples and usage in details.


Download VirtualBox for Fedora Linux

Create a new RPM repo, run the following cd command:

$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d


Use the wget command to download virtualbox.repo file:

$ sudo wget


Refresh and import public key

Run the following dnf command:

$ sudo dnf update


Search for virtualbox package

Now we can search for Oracle VM VirtualBox

$ yum search virtualbox


Fedora Linux install VirtualBox 6

Oracle VirtualBox 6 will build Linux kernel modules on Fedora Linux 29. So, make sure the following packages installed on your system:

$ sudo dnf install @development-tools
$ sudo dnf install kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms elfutils-libelf-devel qt5-qtx11extras


Now you are ready to install VirtualBox 6, run the following dnf command:

$ sudo dnf install VirtualBox-6.0


Add VirtualBox user to vboxusers group

The installer gave you hint:


Creating group ‘vboxusers’. VM users must be member of that group!


Hence, you must add Linux user to the vboxusers group, run:

$ sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers {userNameHere}
$ sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers admin


Verify it with the help of the id command:

$ id admin


Reload or refresh a Linux user group permission for the current shell session by running the following newgrp command:

$ newgrp vboxusers
$ id


How to start VirtualBox on Fedora Linux 29

Type the following command:

$ virtualbox


Installing OpenSUSE Linux as a VirtualBox guest

Once VirtualBox installed, it is time to install a virtual machine. I am going to install OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. You can install Windows, OpenBSD/FreeBSD, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu or any other supported guest operating systems as per your needs.


Download the OpenSUSE ISO

In order to install OpenSUSE Linux, you need the installation DVD media. You can download OpenSUSE from I am going to use wget command to download the ISO:



How to create a new virtual machine

  • The VirutalBox GUI is easy to use, and it will help you through the VM creation. Click on the New icon.
  • Set up guest VM name, OS and memory size and then click on Create Virtual Machine.
  • Set up guest VM hard disk file size and then Create Virtual Hard Disk.
  • The empty VM is now ready. You need to click on the Settings option. Let us change VM options by clicking the Settings option.
  • Choose virtual optical discs (DVD) for booting VM. Select the Storage settings to choose the ISO file previously downloaded using wget.
  • Choose Empty in the IDE controller, then the CD icon. Now, select the ISO image (OpenSUSE Boot DVD ISO) downloaded earlier and press OK.


Start up the OpenSUSE VM and install OpenSUSE Linux


Let us start the installation of OpenSUSE Linux:

  • Choose OpenSUSE VM in the left side panel and click on the green start arrow.
  • The OpenSUSE Linux boot process begins. You can now continue with the normal installation process. Just follow on-screen instructions.


Installing the Guest Additions for OpenSUSE VM


1. Now, going to install the latest Version of the Guest Additions. Start OpenSUSE VM. Log in and open the terminal application. Run the following zypper command:

sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper up
sudo zypper in kernel-devel gcc make dkms


2. Once installed, click on the VM > Devices > Insert guest additions CD image.

3. Click on Run to install the Guest Additions:

4. Wait for some time so that VirtualBox guest additions installation completed.

5. Reboot the Linux VM by typing the following reboot command:

$ sudo reboot


That is all for now.

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