
Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB (104)

Content management system

Apache & PHP (70)

Apache and PHP

Automation Testing (7)

Testing Tool

AWS (13)

Amazon Web Services

Azuracast (18)

Radio Broadcast and Station Management Tool

Bash (2)

Unix shell and command language

Basics of cPanel (Videos) (26)

Video tutorials on how to manage your website using cPanel. For example, Generate Backup, change Style, etc., using cPanel.

Big Data (13)

A collection of data

Billing (28)

Billing and Sales FAQ's

CentOS (316)

Cent Operating System

Client Area (5)

Client Account

CloudLinux (5)

OS for shared hosting providers

Commands and Scripts (37)

Cpanel ,Linux ,Server Commands and Scripts

cPanel (186)

cPanel is a web based control panel

cPanel Database Tutorials (Videos) (11)

Video tutorials on database management in cPanel. For example, Creation, renaming, deletion etc., of database in cPanel.

cPanel Domain Management (Videos) (10)

Video tutorials on Domain Management using cPanel. Creation, redirection etc., of domains and subdomains.

cPanel Email (Videos) (5)

Video tutorials on how to manage your Email account in cPanel.

cPanel FTP (Videos) (4)

Video tutorials on the creation and management of FTP account using cPanel.

CPNginx (11)

Configure/Install/setup cPanelNginx

CWP (9)

CentOS Web Panel

Databases (45)

Errors and Fixes

DirectAdmin (25)

Control Panel

DirectAdmin (Videos) (44)

A series of video tutorials on the DirectAdmin control panel that helps you manage your websites.

DNS (2)

Domain Name Server

Docker (8)

Software Containerization Platform

Dolphin (17)

Social networking software

Domain (32)

Domain Names

Error (44)

Errors and Fixes

FileZilla Client Tutorials (Videos) (5)

Video Tutorials on installation and management of FileZilla FTP client.

FTP (19)

File Transfer Protocol

General (147)

Common topic's

Goautodial (4)

A cloud-based call center software with VoIP services

Hosting (28)

Webhosting Kerala

How to (229)

Add, Create, Install

Install (48)

Get program ready for Execution

Kali Linux (8)

Debian-derived Linux

LibreTime (9)

An open source radio automation system

Linux/cPanel (369)

Linux, cPanel, CentoOs

List of Commands (15)

Tricks to learn commands

Magento (25)

ecommerce platform

Mozilla Thunderbird Tutorials (Videos) (6)

Video Tutorials on setting up and management of email account(s) in Mozilla Thunderbird Email client.


Web Server

Nimble Streamer (2)

Media server software for building live and VOD content delivery

Odoo (2)

web-based suite of open-source business management applications.

OOBM (1)

Out Of Bound Management

OS Class (3)

Open Script to Create your Advertisement

osCommerce (11)

e-commerce and online store-management

Our Service (1)

Web Hosting Solutions

Outlook 2019 Tutorials (Videos) (6)

Video Tutorials on setting up and management of email account(s) in Outlook 2019 Email client.

pagespeed (2)

Google Pagespeed module

Plesk (Videos) (47)

Video Tutorials for users of the Plesk control panel.

Plesk Control Panel (23)

Web Hosting Control Panel

Python (1)

Programming Language

RAID (3)

Data Storage

SAM Broadcaster (18)

Streaming Audio Manager

Security (8)

Server Scanners,Anti malware tools ,Zero day Fixes

Sentora (2)

Web hosting control panel

SEO (2)

Search engine optimization

SHOUTcast (113)

SHOUTcast streaming Service

Siberian (8)

Open-Source and Free App Maker

Softaculous (13)

Softaculous One Click Auto-Installer How to Tutorial

Solusvm (18)

VPS management system

SolusVM Tutorials (Videos) (18)

Video Tutorials on the management of VPS using SolusVM control panel. Video tutorials on OS installation.

SonicPanel (22)

Radio Streaming control Panel

SSH (15)

Secure Shell (SSH)

SSL (5)

SSL Certificate

Troubleshooter (31)

Errors and Fixes

Ubuntu (60)

Ubuntu Server

Unix (17)

Operating System

vdopanel (19)

Video Streaming Control Panel

VICIdial (1)

Open-Source Contact Center Solution

Virtualizor (8)

Web based VPS Control Panel

Virtualizor (Videos) (19)

Video tutorials on the management of Virtual Private Servers using Virtualizor.

Virtualmin (2)

Web Hosting Control panel

WHM (41)

Web Hosting Manager

Windows (6)

Windows Server

Windows-10 (8)

Belongs to OS family- Microsoft Windows

WordPress Tutorials (Videos) (17)

Video Tutorials for WordPress.

Wowza (2)

Video Streaming Platform

Zpanel (27)

Web Hosting Control Panel