
Changing DirectAdmin's "admin" account password

Login as root via SSH to your VPS, then perform the following command: passwd admin You can...

Creating your own service monitor in DirectAdmin

Many admins run extra pieces of software that DA does not check for, to make sure it's running....

DirectAdmin Locations of Logs

DirectAdmin Logs Description Location Error Logs...

How can I edit all of the templates, messages, and default index.html pages in DirectAdmin?

If you're looking to customize the look and feel to the data that is used for your users, this...

How to Change PHP version on Directadmin Server?

Don't know how to change PHP version on Directadmin Server. Or looking to downgrade/upgrade PHP...

How to Setup DirectAdmin Hosting Control Panel on CentOS 6 / 7?

The complete installation steps for DirectAdmin Web Hosting control Panel on CentOS 6 and CentOS...

How to add DNS records in Directadmin Hosting?

We will guide you if you are new to Directadmin. It is really easy to edit/add /delete DNS...

How to allow webalizer stats to be viewable through the web in DirectAdmin?

If a User does not want to have to login to DirectAdmin each time he accesses his webstats, a...

How to assign a User an 'owned' IP address in DirectAdmin?

If you're trying to set up a User with an SSL certificate, you'll need to assign the User an...

How to change email password without logging in DirectAdmin?

  If you would like your pop users to be able to change their own email passwords without having...

How to create a Reseller Account in DirectAdmin?

Once you have your reseller package created, you can move onto creating your reseller’s...

How to create a Reseller Package in DirectAdmin?

Step 1: You need to log into your DirectAdmin panel with your admin user. Step 2: Then, click on...

How to create a User Account in DirectAdmin?

Once you have your user package created, you can move onto creating your user’s account. 1) Click...

How to create a User Package in DirectAdmin?

You can create user accounts either through the admin login or any reseller login. 1) Logged into...

How to customize the output of webalizer in DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin uses the default webalizer settings by not specifying a webalizer.conf file at all....

How to disable magic_quotes_gpc on my DirectAdmin server?

To do it, place the .htaccess file in the root folder of the domain (i.e. public_html) and place...

How to disable open_basedir restrictions on DirectAdmin ?

1. To disable open_basedir on DirectAdmin, you should have Admin level access.   2. Look into...

How to install DirectAdmin on VPS/Dedicated server?


How to setup /~username/ in DirectAdmin?

If you wish to be able to control all domain on an account before they resolve, you can do so by...

How to use DirectAdmin PHP Version Selector?

Login as user.Under Your Account, click on Domain Setup. Click on the domain name. After that,...

I want to change the default index.html created with new domains in DirectAdmin.

Whenever a new User or new domain is created, they receive a default index.html file in their...

I want to have the DirectAdmin version of Awstats

To install it, login to ssh as root and type the following :   cd...

I would like to have Country stats in awstats on my DirectAdmin

Although there are more complex/recommended ways of enabling country stats in awstats (the geoip...

Install suPHP on DirectAdmin

This is a useful guide for administrators who manage directadmin servers. Administrator sometimes...

Log File Locations in DirectAdmin

Error Logs comes as very useful to find out and fix the problems on your WordPress website. Users...