
Enable and Use Remote MySQL Connections in cPanel

There are a few programs you can use to connect remotely to your database. You can utilize HTML...

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - cPngninx

How the cPnginx works? cPngninx works as a font end proxy for apache. So apache will be...

How To Enable TLS 1.2 Only In Nginx Web Server?

Enable TLS 1.2 Only in Nginx Edit your Nginx server block section for your domain in the...

How to Configure CPNginx?

Configure cPanelNginx You can configure your Nginx server from your WHM -> Plugins ->...

How to Install CPNginx?

Cpnginx is a complete cpanel nginx integration software. It is full of features , 100%...

How to Use URL Rewriting?

URL Rewriting is a process of changing the request URL to something else as defined in the web...

Installation and Configuring of Varnish Reverse Proxy with Nginx

Varnish is a proxy server which can be used for HTTP caching. It can act as a reverse proxy for...

Installation of Nginx Web server on Ubuntu 20.04

Nginx is an open-source, high-performance web server that commands a huge market share in...

What is CPNginx ?

The cPnginx is a cPanel nginx integration plugin. This plugin will increase your server...

What is Centova Cast Auto DJ and How Do I Set it Up?

Auto DJ is a choice convenient to you on your control panel. Auto DJ permits you to upload media...

nginx 502 error : /var/log/nginx/error.log” failed (2: No such file or directory)

If nginx service is giving following error  :   nginx: [alert] could not open error log file:...