In case you do not see any installations listed in All installations page within Softaculous, it...
1) Click the Edit Settings icon.2) You can set your preferred language here. 3) Set your...
Softaculous contains 350+ scripts and applications. Softaculous contains both a rating system...
What is Softaculous? Softaculous is an auto installer for cPanel and DirectAdmin that lets you...
If you already have one of the scripts in Softaculous installed, you can import it so it can be...
Follow these steps : 1. Log in to your cPanel.2. Scroll down to the Software/Services...
MyBB, formerly MyBBoard and originally MyBulletinBoard, is a free and open source forum software...
Follow these steps to install Serendipity: 1. Log in to the cPanel.2. Locate Softaculous, from...
Follow these steps : 1. Log in to your cPanel interface.2. Scroll down to the Software/Services...
1. Log in to your cPanel interface.2. Go to the Software/Services section.3. Click on the...
Once logged in, locate softaculous under the section Software. Now, open Softaculous....
If you’ve previously installed any of the scripts in Softaculous manually or using another...
Login to cpanel. Navigate to the Software/Services section. Open Softaculous. At the top,...