Docker is a container-based application framework, which wraps of a specific application with all its dependencies in a container. Docker containers can easily to ship to a remote location on start there without making entire application setup. This tutorial will help you to install Docker on Fedora 29/28/27 operating systems.


Step 1 – Prerequisites


For the standard installation, Docker required 64-bit operating system having Kernel >= 3.10 version. Older versions of Kernel have some missing requirements to run all features of Docker.

uname -r


Step 2 – Enable DNF Repository


Let’s add the official Docker yum repository on your system. Also, update the packages metadata cache.

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo dnf makecache


Step 3 – Install Docker on Fedora


Now install docker community edition package to install docker on your system. This is installed many of required decencies on your system.

sudo dnf install docker-ce


After successful installation of Docker engine, Let’s enable and start the docker service.

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service


Then check the status of the Docker service.

sudo systemctl status docker.service


Docker has been installed and running on your system. You can visit our Docker tutorial section to work with Docker containers.


How to Use Docker?


Search Docker Images


First of all search Docker container images from Docker hub. For example, below command will search all images with Fedora and list as output

sudo docker search fedora


Download Docker Images


Now download the Docker container with name Ubuntu on your local system using following commands.

sudo docker pull fedora
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/fedora
0be2a68855d7: Extracting [==============================>     ]  69.63MB/89.87MB


Now make sure that the above images have been downloaded successfully on your system. Below command list all images.

sudo docker images

REPOSITORY  TAG            IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE ubuntu      latest         36248ae4a9ac        2 days ago          188 MB fedora      latest         26ffec5b4a8a        2 weeks ago         275MB


Launch New Container with Image


Finally, launch a Docker container using the above-downloaded image on your system. Below command will start a new container.

sudo docker run -i -t -d fedora /bin/bash


To view all running containers type

sudo docker ps 

695efa2ace69     fedora    "/bin/bash"    58 seconds ago   Up 56 seconds           first_fedora


By default Above command will list only running containers. To list all containers (including stopped container) use the following command.

docker ps -a


Start/Stop/Attach Container


You can start, stop or attach to any containers with following commands. To start container use following command.

docker start CONTAINER_ID


To stop container use following command.

docker stop CONTAINER_ID


To attach to currently running container use following command.

docker attach CONTAINER_ID


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