In this review, the details of editing whitelists, blacklists and ignore list will be discussed with relevant parts focusing on the implementation of such aspects.


Editing whitelists, blacklists, and ignore lists

If you want to edit lists you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Firstly, you have to click on Edit White/Black/Ignore lists.
  2. Secondly, you can select the list that you wish to modify.
  3. After that, you can simply enter any messages, subjects, or email addresses you want to filter.
  4. Lastly, you can click on Save to save your configuration.


BoxTrapper lists

It is important to understand that the system compares every new message that you receive against the three lists that are mentioned below:

Whitelist — In case of Whitelist, messages are delivered directly to your inbox by the system.

Ignore list — In case of Ignore List messages get deleted without notification by the system.

Blacklist — In case of Blacklist, the system not only deletes messages but also the sender receives a reply that states that the system has blocked the message he sent.


Forward List

If you want to update the account’s forward list you can click on Forward List. You can then enter the email addresses that you want to add to the forward list, and then click Save. Then the system will be able to automatically forward emails which are whitelisted to these addresses.


Review Log

The system has the capability to organize this log by day and shows any activity for an email address that uses BoxTrapper. You can use this log easily to isolate problems with email delivery.


Review Queue

If you want to view any unverified BoxTrapper mail, you can simply click Review Queue.


If you want to deliver or delete emails, you can perform the steps as shown below:

  1. You will have to select the checkbox for the day you wish to select.
  2. After that, you can select Delete or Whitelist and Deliver.
  3. Lastly, you can click on Submit.


If you want to see the contents of a message, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Firstly, you will have to click on the email’s sender, subject, or date to see the entire message, headers, and more delivery options. For example, a sender can be ignored or blacklisted.
  2. Secondly, you have to select the option for which you want to filter.
  3. Lastly, Click on Go.


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