This feature is for cPanel and WHM version 68. One needs to navigate to (Home >> Security Center >> Manage Wheel Group Users) for working on this feature. It allows one to manage the wheel group’s membership. This system grants the users in the wheel group the permission to execute the su command, which in turn allows a user to gain root or superuser access.


It is important to note that this interface does not give permission to the users to run the sudo command. To get permission to execute the sudo command, one needs to open the /etc/sudoers file and uncomment the following line:

%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL


It is strongly suggested to use the visudo command in order to open the /etc/sudoers file. It opens the /etc/sudoers file in a text editor and validates the file’s syntax when one save the changes. To get more information about the visudo  command, one can read the’s Visudo Manual documentation.


Manage Wheel Group Users

As a warning, it should be kept in mind to exercise extreme caution while adding users to the wheel group.


Steps to Add a User to the Wheel Group:

One needs to select the desired user from the Add a user to the wheel group

Then, one can click on Add to Group.


Steps to Remove a User from the Wheel Group:

For this, one needs to select the appropriate user from Remove a user from the wheel group

And then, click on Remove from Group.

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