In computer networking, an IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical identifier assigned permanently or temporarily to every device connected to a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Its two major functions are to identify a network or host on a network and also serve for location addressing.


There are currently two versions of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6, which can either be private (viewable within an internal network) or public (can be seen by other machines on the Internet).


Additionally, a host can be assigned a static or dynamic IP address depending on the network configurations. In this article, we will show you 4 ways to find your Linux machine or server public IP address from the terminal in Linux.


1. Using dig Utility


dig (domain information groper) is a simple command-line utility for probing DNS name servers. To find your public IP addresses, use the resolver as in the command below:

$ dig +short


2. Using host Utility


host command is an easy-to-use command-line utility for carrying out DNS lookups. The command below will help to display your systems public IP address.

$ host | grep " has" | awk '{print $4}'


Important: The next two methods employ third party websites to display your IP address on the command line as described below.


3. Using wget Command Line Downloader


wget is a powerful command-line downloader that supports various protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and many more. You can use it with third-party websites to view your public IP address as follows:

$ wget -qO- | xargs echo
$ wget -qO -


4. Using cURL Command Line Downloader


curl is a popular command-line tool for uploading or downloading files from a server using any of the supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, FTPS and others). The following commands display your public IP address.

$ curl
$ curl
$ curl


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