The scenario:
You are running your own dedicated server you have multiple levels of packages for your customers, ranging from a basic email account type all the way through to major disk space and bandwidth users.
Now, not every user is an adept system admin, some customers may have trouble managing a complete cpanel account. If you have a package type BasicEmail package chances are those users are not going to need every feature cPanel has to offer and in some cases, it can be detrimental to give them every option especially for those inquisitive customers that like to randomly click on options without completely understanding what they could be doing.
So to create a customised feature set for each package try these steps:
- Log into WHM
- In the WHM search box type in: Feature
- Click on Feature Manager on the menu
- Here you will see there are 3 basic feature sets Default, Disabled and Mail Only
- Enter a name for your new Feature Set: something like BasicEmailOnly then click Add
- On the following page go through and select/deselect the feature you would your users to have available to them.
- Click Save once you are done.
To assign this new feature set to a package follow these steps:
- In the WHM search box type in: package
- Select Edit a Package from the menu
- Select the package you wish to modify and click Edit
- Towards the bottom of the page, you will see Feature List change this to the feature set you have just created
- Click Save Changes