DJ accounts can be managed/created from the client-side SonicPanel only. DJs will be availed with the features based on their permissions. Every DJ can be given custom permissions. These permissions are controlled by the radio owner, on the DJ creation page or updating the DJ account.


User can log in to the SonicPanel with the DJ username and DJ Password by using the port 2080.

http://ServerIP:2080 or http://domain:2080


Following Features are available for DJs on the DJ Panel if they have permissions with their account:

  • DJs can see/change their DJ connection password
  • DJs can see/change their profile pictures, profile pictures are showing up on players when a DJ is streaming. 
  • DJs can see if the radio or AutoDJ is online/offline
  • DJs can see the HTML5 player on the main page with the album art and they can listen to the radio. 
  • DJs can see song history
  • If the DJ has permissions, they can control the number of on-air features like jingles, voice pro, start/stop radio or autoDJ.


SSL login is not supported for DJ Panel.
Be careful, while setting the permission on the DJ account.

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