Scout_Realtime is a simple, easy-to-use web-based tool for monitoring Linux server metrics in real-time, in a top-like fashion. It shows you smooth-flowing charts about metrics gathered from the CPU, memory, disk, network, and processes (top 10), in real-time.


To install Scout_Realtime Monitoring Tool in Linux, follow the steps mentioned below:


1. To install scout_realtime on your Linux server, you must have Ruby 1.9.3+ installed on your server using the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install rubygems		[On Debian/Ubuntu]
$ sudo yum -y install rubygems-devel	[On RHEL/CentOS]
$ sudo dnf -y install rubygems-devel	[On Fedora 22+]


2. Once you have installed Ruby on your Linux system, now you can install the scout_realtime package using the following command.

$ sudo gem install scout_realtime


3. After successfully installing the scout_realtime package, next, you need to start the scout_realtime daemon which will collect server metrics in real-time as shown.

$ scout_realtime


4. Now that the scout_realtime daemon is running on your Linux server, you want to remotely monitor port 5555. If you are running a firewall, you need to open port 5555 which scout_realtime listens on, in the firewall to allow requests to it.

---------- On Debian/Ubuntu ----------
$ sudo ufw allow 27017  
$sudo ufw reload 

---------- On RHEL/CentOS 6.x ----------
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5555 -j ACCEPT    
$ sudo service iptables restart

---------- On RHEL/CentOS 7.x ----------
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5555/tcp       
$ sudo firewall-cmd reload 


5. Now from any other machine, open a web browser and use the URL below to access the scout_realtime to monitor your remote Linux server performance.



6. By default, scout_realtime logs are written in .scout/scout_realtime.log on the system, which you can view using cat command.

$ cat .scout/scout_realtime.log


7. To stop the scout_realtime daemon, run the following command.

$ scout_realtime stop


8. To uninstall scout_realtime from the system, run the following command.

$ gem uninstall scout_realtime



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