Magento comes with a bunch of already installed and activated Modules and Extensions right out of the box. Using as little extensions as possible will help keep your store streamlined and fast. Similarly, if there are modules you don’t need, disable them. 

To disable modules:

1) Log into the Magento Admin Panel and navigate to Stores >> Configuration >> select Advanced on the left panel >> Advanced where you’ll find the Disable Modules Output tool:

You can also enable/disable modules via SSH using the following commands:


magento module:enable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all]
 magento module:disable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all]



module-list is a space-delimited list of modules to enable or disable.If any module name contains special characters, enclose the name in either single or double quote.

–all to enable or disable all modules at the same time.

-f or –force to force a module to be enabled or disabled despite dependencies. Before you use this option, see About enabling and disabling modules.

-c or –clear-static-content cleans generated static view files.

Failure to clear static view files might result in issues if there are multiple files with the same name and you don’t clear all of them. In other words, because of static file fallback rules, if you do not clear static files and there is more than one file named logo.gif that are different, fallback might cause the wrong file to display.


Use the following command to list enabled and disabled modules:

magento module:status

For example, to disable the Weee module, enter:

magento module:disable Magento_Weee


If you enabled one or more modules, run the following command to update the database:

magento setup:upgrade


That’s it

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