Ansible is easy to use IT automation and DevOps tool. One can use it for automation tasks. You can easily configure and manage FreeBSD server using Ansible. Ansible works from a control workstation powered by macOS, Linux or *BSD family of operating systems.


 Enable OpenSSH server on FreeBSD box


Verify it with the following command:

% service -e | grep sshdxyz


If OpenSSH server not enabled on FreeBSD box, type the following command to activate at boot time and start it:

# echo 'sshd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
# service sshd start


Installed sudo on FreeBSD server


Run the following command:

% type sudo


If the sudo command not found, install it using the following pkg command:

# pkg install sudo


Allow members of group wheel to execute any command:

# echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' >/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/allow-wheel-user-login


Make sure regular user is part of the wheel group


Use the id command to find user’s group membership:

% id xyz
uid=1001(xyz) gid=1001(xyz) groups=1001(xyz)


As you can see "xyz" user is not part of the wheel group. Add user "xyz" to the wheel group using pw command

# pw usermod -n xyz -G wheel
# id xyz
uid=1001(xyz) gid=1001(xyz) groups=1001(xyz),0(wheel)


Install Python 2.x or Python 3.x


The final requirement is to install Python on FreeBSD box.

# pkg install python3.6


# pkg install python2.7


Please note down the path for Python:

% type python2.7
python2.7 is /usr/local/bin/python2.7
% type python3.6
python3.6 is /usr/local/bin/python3.6


FreeBSD server to be managed by Ansible tool


First, create an inventory file as follows on a control machine:

$ vi hosts


Add hostnames/IP address of all remote FreeBSD/Linux servers:





Test FreeBSD Ansible setup


Let us run the uptime command and hostname command on above two hosts i.e. myhosts group as user xyz:

$ ansible -u xyz -i hosts -m raw -a 'uptime' myhosts
$ ansible -u xyz -i hosts -m raw -a 'hostname' myhosts


That's it !!

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