/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=YOUR_CLOUDLINUX_KEY --force
If you have IP based CloudLinux license, runclnreg_ks --force
root@server20 [~]# clnreg_ks --force
Profilename: server20.ucartz.com
root@server20 [~]#
/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=YOUR_CLOUDLINUX_KEY --force
If you have IP based CloudLinux license, runclnreg_ks --force
root@server20 [~]# clnreg_ks --force
Profilename: server20.ucartz.com
root@server20 [~]#
To move LVE and packages limits, just move the /etc/container/ve.cfg file to a new server, and...
Reason: You have an outdated alt-libxml2 package which actually has broken system libxml2 library...
Symptoms During the server registration or converting CentOS to CloudLinux, getting the...
All of our linux hosting servers run on an operating system called CloudLinux. This operating...