Step 1: Login to system as root user. Don’t worry, you will be using root account for remote login only in this step.

Step 2:
 Create an alternate user account. For example, administrator.
[root@root ~]# adduser administrator

Step 3:
 Set a strong password for user account created in step 2.

[root@root ~]# passwd administrator

Step 4:
 Open another terminal & login to the system as the new user created in step 2. This step will allow you to test if the new account works properly.

Step 5:
 Test that you can switch to root account.

[administrator@administrator ~]$ su -

Enter root account password and check if you have gained root access.

[root@root ~]# whoami

Step 6:
 Disable root user login via SSH.

[root@root ~]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Step 7:
 Lookout for '#PermitRootLogin yes'. By default, root login is allowed by SSH.

Step 8:
 Change '#PermitRootLogin yes' to 'PermitRootLogin no'

Step 9:
 Save the file & exit

Step 10:
 Make sure sshd_config does not have any syntax errors.

[root@root ~]# /usr/sbin/sshd -t
[root@root ~]# echo $?

The above output suggests, sshd_config does not have any syntax error. In case, if there is an error, you would see non-zero output.

Step 11:
 Restart SSH to read the new configuration change.

# service sshd restart

Step 12:
 Make sure root login via SSH is disabled.

ssh root@<ip-address>

The access should be denied in spite of entering valid password for root user. It means, SSH has denied access to the root account.

Step 13:
 Login as non-privileged user account created in Step 2.

Step 14:
 When needed, switch to root account as below:

[administrator@administrator ~]$ su -

That’s it !!

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