– git installed on your PC or Server. Get here
– Internet Connection
– We will open git bash for Windows and terminal for Linux and then change directory(folder) where we want git to be initialized, and if we want to setup git repo for the existing code we will do as the following pic, and for new code, we will have to create a new directory and then cd to it and then move to next step.
TIP: –
cd dir_location
dir_location is full folder path where you want to work with git.
– Run command
git init
We can see the following message after git initialised in the working directory.
– So our current dir is "User" where we can do work like add, remove or change, For now, we will add some, and after running dir command, we can see our files in the dir.
– After addition of our scripts to "User" folder, we will check the status of git in the particular dir with command
git status
Here it will show log files like structure which depicts that the files displayed in the directory are added and are untracked by git and have not been committed. So in the next step, we will add them to git which means to track them and later commit them.
– Run
git add -A
this will track all files using git and then we do git status again to check the status of the files inside our "User" dir. Here it shows our files in green color which means these files are now tracked by the git and are ready to be committed.
– To make a commit, we will have to run the command
git commit -m “commit message”
TIP – commit message tells what the purpose of that commit is and what does it do in the code. In our terminal of cmd, it will show that commit has been created and files have been created in the particular commit. Now our "User" dir is ready to be pushed to any git services online like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.
– We will use for showing the web need steps to create a repository and push them.
Login to Github account and go to the homepage and look for the following button titled. "New Repository".
– It will ask us repository related details that we need to fill as our wish.
Note – There are 2 types of repositories,
Private – These are the type of repos which can only be accessed by the owner or collaborator to the particular repo.
Public – These are types of repos which can be accessed by anyone who is able to access GitHub.
We filled it as below and made a new Repository named User,
– After filling up the details tap on ‘Create Repository’ Button, and it will show some screen with commands like below,
We will copy the repository URL with HTTPS that’s given in the text box. For us its
– We will go to the terminal and run the command
git remote add bz-tut This means we are adding a remote link toUser repo on GitHub with name ‘bz-tut’ for recognition.
– Now create a branch with some logical name using the command
git branch branch_name
in image our branch_name is tutorials.
– If you have finished working on your directory, then you can run
git checkout branch_name
so that it is ready to be pushed to GitHub with branch name you shows Switched to branch tutorials which means that commits are ready to be pushed to branch ‘tutorials’.
– Now we will push the code to GitHub repository that we created few steps above.
git push –u bz-tut tutorials
It will ask us GitHub account ID and Password, so we need to enter it then our push command will proceed. So below screenshot says we have pushed User dir to GitHub repository.
– Now we can check our online repository and have a look how it looks when we see our dir on the web, for us it shows like below.
– We have now successfully created the git repository for User directory with the help of git and GitHub Service.