File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a commonly used method of downloading and uploading files between systems on a network. FTP sites are typically public sites that allow anonymous users to log in and download software and documentation without needing a user account on the remote system.


The FTP server daemon included with CentOS / RHEL is called “very secure FTP” or vsftpd. To install the vsftpd package:

 # yum install vsftpd


Configuration Files


The following configuration files are installed with the package:

  • /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf: The main configuration file for vsftpd
  • /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers: A list of users not allowed to log in to vsftpd
  • /etc/vsftpd/user_list: This file contains users who are denied access when the userlist_deny directive is set to YES (default) in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf or users who are allowed access when userlist_deny is set to NO.
  • /var/ftp: The directory containing files served by vsftpd. It also contains the /var/ftp/pub directory for anonymous users.


Configuration parameters in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf


The vsftpd service allows local and anonymous users to log in without any additional configuration. When a user logs in, they can download files from the /var/ftp directory on the vsftpd server and upload files by default. These and other options are configured in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. The following lists some of the more common configuration parameters:


Parameter Purpose
userlist_enable This setting causes vsftpd to read /etc/vsftpd/user_list and use that as a list of users to allow or not allow on the server.
userlist_deny When set to yes, vsftpd blocks all users in the user_list. When set to no, it allows only users in the user_list.
local_enable This setting allows users in /etc/passwd to log in with their accounts.
anonymous_enable This setting allows anonymous connections to the server.
no_anon_password This setting allows anonymous connections without a password (otherwise, users must provide an email address as a password).
write_enable When set to yes, this setting allows users to upload files to the server and create directories.
anon_mkdir_write_enable When set to yes, this setting allows anonymous users to create directories.
anon_other_write_enable When set to yes, this setting allows anonymous users to make other changes to the file system, such as deleting, renaming, and modifying existing files.
anon_upload_enable This setting allows anonymous users to upload files to the server.
ascii_download_enable This setting allows conversion of text files transferred from the server to other operating systems. This can be a good idea if you are transferring text files from UNIX systems to Mac OS or Windows.
ascii_upload_enable This setting allows conversion of text files uploaded to the server.
xferlog_enable This setting activates logging of uploads and downloads.
xferlog_file This setting names the upload/download log file. The default is /var/log/vsftpd.log.


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