Step 1: In the cPanel Dashboard scroll down to the ‘Email’ Section.

I am assuming you have already logged in to cPanel, but if you haven’t yet, please do so now.

Scroll down to the “Email” section of the administrative dashboard.


Step 2: Click the ‘Spam Filters’ link.

As of version 70 of cPanel, Apache SpamAssassin was renamed to “Spam Filters” in the dashboard.

Click on “Spam Filters”.


Step 3: Enable the Spam Filters

Turn on the Spam Filters by toggling the “Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam” option at the top of the page.

Enable Spam Filters.


Step 4: SpamAssassin is now active

If successful, you will see a green box appear confirming the following:


Apache SpamAssassin has been enabled.

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