cPanel offers now free tool/plugin for Managing WordPress Installation.cPanel WordPress Manager is a plugin that comes shipped with our latest WordPress RPM via WHM cPAddons/cPanel Site Software. The new format for cPAddons automatically tests every new release of WordPress against supported versions of cPanel & WHM ensuring it can offer the most up to date version of WordPress to our users while maintaining compatibility.

  • Login to WHM.
  • Look for Install cPAddons Site Software in WHM Homepage and open it.
  • It will show similar options like in the below screenshot. Tick WordPress cPAddons and select Update cPAddon Config.
  • Progress will take some time and show a message “The RPM Installed” which means WordPress Manager is successfully Installed. 
  • Now you can log in to any cPanel Account and search for WordPress Manager in the search bar.
  • Opening WordPress Manager will show UI like below.


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