To list all installed rpm packages on CentOS, RHEL and Fedora distributions using four different ways.


1. Using RPM Package Manager


RPM (RPM Package Manager) formerly known as Red-Hat Package Manager is an open-source, low-level package manager, which runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as well as other Linux such as CentOS, Fedora and UNIX systems.


You can compare it to DPKG Package Manager, the default packaging system for Debian and it’s derivatives such as Ubuntu, Kali Linux etc.


2. Using YUM Package Manager


YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) is an interactive, front-end rpm based, package manager.


You can use the yum command below to list all installed packages on your system, one advantage with this method is, it includes the repository from which a package was installed:

# yum list installed


3. Using YUM-Utils


Yum-utils is an assortment of tools and programs for managing yum repositories, installing debug packages, source packages, extended information from repositories and administration.


To install it, run the command below as root, otherwise, use sudo command:

# yum update && yum install yum-utils


Once you have it installed, type the repoquery command below to list all installed packages on your system:

# repoquery -a --installed 


To list installed packages from a particular repository, use the yumdb program in the form below:

# yumdb search from_repo base


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