As the Siberian CMS is a self-hosted platform, you must have a web hosting, and it has to meet the necessities to install Siberian CMS rightly.

Steps for the installation of Siberian CMS on a Plesk 12.0.18

Unzip the installation zip file. There is only one small index.php file, it is normal, all the files required to install Siberian will be downloaded from our servers to your server thanks to this file. Connect to your hosting panel:

Click on "Add New Domain" button to generate the Webspace for Siberian.

In the first field, insert your Domain name, chose "In a separate webspace" as it's better to have Siberian in its Webspace. Then create your Username and Password. Hold them saved somewhere, as they can be useful for FTP access.

Click on the "Ok" button to create the Webspace. It should look like this:

Now that your Webspace created and you have to change some PHP settings. For this click on "Hosting Settings".


Change the PHP version to 5.6.32 least. It's the version which is the most optimized for Siberian. Press "ok" to save the changes. Then click on PHP Settings:

Go to the "Performance Settings" tab:

"memory_limit ": Set it to 512M
“max_execution_time“: Set it to 120
“post_max_size“: Set it to 100M
“upload_max_filesize“: Set it to 100M

Click on "Ok" to save changes. That's all for PHP Settings.

Click on "Databases" and "Add New Database":


Enter the database name and a user.

Then click on File Manager:

Then click on the checkbox highlighted above, and click on the "Remove" tab. The Webspace should be blank. You can upload the index.php by Drag&Drop or with the "Upload Files".

Click on "Open" tab.

Click on the "Download & Install " tab:

If everything is fine, you should see this:


Admit the terms and conditions. Insert your database credentials:


And click on INSTALLATION tab, and once the installation is complete, you can create an Admin:

And give a title to your App:

Click on DONE.

Installation completed.


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