The WHMCS VDO Panel module is stated in PHP that integrates VDO Panel as a Product or Service into WHMCS.
It will allow the facility to generate users in VDO Panel, edit their profile (port, website, station, password ), edit their password, suspend/un-suspend or cancel accounts, etc.
For this, must have an existing installation of WHMCS of version 5.0 or above. The steps given below are explained how to integrate VDO Panel as a Product or Service into WHMCS.
Step 1:
Download VDO Panel WHMCS Module from the below-given link:
For PHP 7.1 & Up:
For PHP 5.6 or 7.0:
Directly upload and exact on ../modules/servers/ or extract and upload vdopanel directory to ../modules/servers/ via FTP.
Step 2:
Then add new servers. For this, first, log in to your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on menu "Setup" > "Products/Services" > "Servers".
Then click on "Add New Server" and choose Module Name of "VDO Panel". After that, enter your VDO Panel Installed Server Hostname or IP Address and VDO Panel Admin username & Password. At Access Hash Field enter API "Token". [For getting API Token, login to your VDO Panel Admin Dashboard. Go to "System Settings" > "API Settings" and copy Token]. Then, click on "Save Changes".
Step 3:
Form New Server Group and Give Group name and select newly added server from the server list and click on "ADD" and finally click on Save Changes.
Step 4:
Then need to add New "Products/Services"
How to Add New Product/Services?
Log in to your WHMCS Admin Panel and click on the menu "Setup" > Products/Services > Products/Services. And click on "Create a New Product". And choose the below details.
Product Type: Other
Product Group: Choose your required Group from the dropdown list
Product Name: Give the best name as per your want.
Module: VDO Panel
Then click on the "Continue" button.
In "Module Settings" choose the module name of "VDO Panel" and Server Group as "Your Recent Created Group" and then configure the value as per your requirement.
Viewers Limit (0 value for unlimited)
Maximum Bitrate: Select from Dropdown List (Low bitrate, sub-SD resolution - 288 kbps or Medium bitrate, SD resolution - 448 kbps or High bitrate, higher-than-SD resolution - 1152 kbps or Very High bitrate, HD 720p resolution - 2048 kbps or Very High bitrate, FHD 1080p resolution - 4096 kbps or Source bitrate, unlimited kbps )
Allow YouTube Streaming: Choose Yes or No
Allow Facebook Streaming: Choose Yes or No
Tv Station Storage in megabyte (add 0 value for unlimited)
Traffic Per Month in megabyte (add 0 value for unlimited)
Broadcaster Type: Choose Live Streaming or Web TV or Hybrid (Live Streaming and Web TV) from Dropdown List.
Choose Language: Choose Language from Dropdown List
Allow Twitch Streaming: Choose Yes or No
Allow Periscope streaming: Choose Yes or No
Allow Custom streaming: Choose Yes or No
To save the changes, click on the "Save Changes" button.