CloudLinux OS is a Linux distribution marketed to shared hosting providers. It uses the OpenVZ kernel and the rpm package manager based on the CentOS operating system. It supports all the hardware supported by RHEL/CentOS, with few exceptions. Exceptions are usually hardware that requires binary drivers and that doesn’t have any open-source alternatives.

Step 1: Uninstall Cloudlinux

sh cldeploy -c

Step 2: Now verify, if cloudlinux is installed

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_system_install -c

After restoring to centos, some packages from CloudLinux repo will still be present. They are the same as CentOS packages and do not have to be removed. Now you need to make some centos updates.

Step 3: To update your CentOS-provided RPMs

yum upgrade -y

Step 4: Next, rebuild Apache server

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/easyapache –build

Step 5: Reinstall non CloudLinux kernel

yum –disableexcludes=all install kernel

Step 6: Now, remove CloudLinux Kernell

rpm -qa |awk ‘/^kernel.*lve/ {print $1|”xargs yum -y erase”}’

Step 7: Next reinstall any CloudLinux provided RPMs that also provided by CentOS

rpm -qa –qf “[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}n]“|awk ‘/CloudLinux/ {print $2|”xargs yum reinstall -y”}’

Step 8: Need to downgrade any RPMs provided by CloudLinux to the CentOS version

rpm -qa –qf “[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}n]“|awk ‘/CloudLinux/ {print $2|”xargs yum downgrade -y”}’

Step 9: Remove any remaining CloudLinux RPMs

rpm -qa –qf “[%{VENDOR} %{NAME}n]“|awk ‘/CloudLinux/ {print $2|”xargs yum erase -y”}’

Step 10: Upgrade all downgraded CentOS provided RPMs

yum upgrade -y

Step 11: Last, reboot the server for Uninstall Cloudlinux

Then it would be best if you rebooted server to use the new non-CloudLinux kernel




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