Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster. Users can create bar, line and scatter plots, or pie charts and maps on top of large volumes of data.
Assuming that you have root permission, otherwise, you may start commands with “sudo”.
Install Nginx
First of all, we have to install Nginx from EPEL repository:
yum install epel-release
Now you can install Nginx using YUM:
yum install nginx
After the installation is finished, execute the following commands to start your Nginx service and make it run at startup:
systemctl start nginx
systemctl enable nginx
Install and configure “httpd-tools”
For setting up an HTTP authentication we will need the “.htaccess” and “.htpasswd” files, we can get both of them by installing “httpd-tools” package:
yum install httpd-tools
After the installation process finished, we can create a “.htpasswd” file to store our credential data such as Usernames and Passwords in an encrypted format. Using the command below you can create a user with a password (make sure to replace the red part with your preferred values):
htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/ username
Executing the above command will prompt you to choose and verify your password.
Your authentication data is available in the following path, you can open it with the command below:
nano /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
Configuring Nginx
In this section, we are going to configure Nginx to act as a proxy, so it will direct authenticated user to “localhost:5601”
Open the Nginx configuration file with the command below:
nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Find the “server” directive and change it like below:
server {
listen *:80;
server_name _;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
Save and exit.
Check if everything Ok with your configuration:
nginx -t
You should get the following output:
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Restart the Nginx service to take effect:
systemctl restart nginx
Install Kibana
We are going to install the latest stable version of Kibana which is 5.5 at the time of the writing this article. we will download the “RPM” package and install it easily.
Run the following command to install the downloaded package:
rpm -ivh kibana-5.5.0-x86_64.rpm
After the installation is finished, execute the following commands to start Kibana and make is run at the startup:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start kibana
systemctl enable kibana
For accessing the web interface you should enable the default port in the Kibana configuration. Execute the following command to open “kibana.yml” with the text editor:
nano /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
Find the line that refers to “server.port” and uncomment it, then save and exit.
Now you should restart the Kibana service to take effect:
systemctl restart kibana
Finally, you can open your browser and place your Domain or your public IP address on it. you will be prompt for authentication and then you will be direct to the Kibana web panel.