1. First, go to your cPanel and open the File Manager.
2. Look for the folder, which contains your WordPress files. Please note that if you have installed WordPress in the document root, then the files and folders are situated on the PUBLIC_HTML folder. You will have a problem if there are a few websites, installed on your account, then it’s necessary to pick out the files and folders, which belong only to WordPress.
You can do this by searching for a list of the WordPress default files, which will help you to identify and select only them from the PUBLIC_HTML folder. According to WordPress version, sometimes it’s necessary to download files from the WordPress.org homepage.
In case you use a plug-in or theme which alters the WordPress directory, then you may need to work with the plugin/theme developers/support people. Another option is copying of files and folders from the PUBLIC_HTML folder to a new location.
When you are ready with the selected files/folders, click Copy in the File Manager menu.
A window will pop up, asking you for a place, where to locate the files. It’s recommended to select a new folder and click Copy File(s). If you haven’t still created this folder, go back and do it.
3. The next step is to click on the icon labeled New Folder in the top left-hand side of the menu bar. A window will pop up, which is called "New Folder". Click on it, write a name of your new folder and choose the desired location for the new folder. For example, if you want the "blog" folder to be inside the "public_html" folder, then the path will be "/public_html/".
Be aware of correct spelling and kind of letters in your new folder’s name. If you type it wrong, the copy won’t occur.
Please note, that it could take a few minutes, depending on the WordPress site’s size.
4. If you choose your WordPress files individually, open the folder with already moved files and check if all of them are copied.
If something is missing, start again from Step 1.
5. Scroll down and look for the file, named wp-config.php. The next step is to select it and choose Code Edit from the top of the File Manager.
6. Now, you should change some codes. Search the following code in the file:
/** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */ define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); /** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */define('DB_COLLATE', '');
7. After the above code, add the code, written below:
If you see them already, then change to the new folder location.
8. Finally, click on the Save Changes button at the top of the page. That’s all.
Now, check if the new location is a fact. If you have any problems, check again the described steps, especially the syntax. If you wish, you can delete the old files and folders.
Here are some other things for a check. If you are using permalinks, please reset them to Default, after that re-assign to the desired settings. It’s recommended to avoid errors not to remove the WordPress link.
Take in mind that if you installed WordPress via Softaculous, the movement of WordPress installation will not update the Softaculous installation information. The only way to change it is by using the Edit Installation Details option in the Softaculous installation.