Minimum System Requirements



The minimum amount of RAM required for installing and running Plesk. 

Linux Windows
512 MB + 1 GB swap 2 GB


Disk space 

The minimum amount of free disk space required for installing and running Plesk. 

Linux Windows
10 GB 30 GB


Recommended requirements 


Our recommendations are based on the following presumptions:

  • Only 10% of all websites on shared hosting are active (have any persistent number of visitors per week/month).
  • 128 MB of RAM is fine for most typical websites.
    • WordPress: 64 MB
    • Joomla: 64 MB
    • Drupal: 128 MB
    • Symfony: 128 MB
  • No more than 1-3 simultaneous visitors per website, not more than 500 unique visitors per website per day.


If the above is true, we recommend having 1GB of RAM for every 40-50 websites on a shared hosting node.

If you are hosting websites that generate more traffic (5-10 simultaneous visitors per website, between 1000 and 30000 unique visitors per website), we recommend having between 500 MB and 1 GB of RAM per website.

In addition, having sufficient disk space for memory swapping is highly recommended:


Amount of RAM on the server Recommended free disk space for swapping
Less than 1 GB 1 GB
1 GB or more 1/2 * the amount of RAM

Disk space

 We recommend having this much disk space for hosting: 

Type of hosting Recommended free disk space for websites
Typical shared hosting (100-500 websites per server) Between 2 and 2.5 GB per website
Dedicated VPS hosting (1-10 websites per server) Between 4 and 12 GB per website


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