A host has to make a profit to continue operating. Some hosts do not properly understand the market and may be pricing themselves too cheap. At times you will come across deals that are almost too good to be true - cheap web hosting with amazing features! There are hosts that while offering cheap prices do back that up with excellent performance and service, but there are things to be noted: 

1. Look very closely at what is written in their terms of service (TOS) and acceptable use policy (AUP) documents. Some hosts try to limit the activity of the customer through these two. 
2. Unlimited bandwidth or space. As explained on our scams page, offering either of those two as unlimited is not possible. 
3. The quality of bandwidth and the overall performance. Some hosts scrimp on these to give you cheaper prices. Do a self-test - visit the host's website multiple times in a day to see that it remains fast loading. 
4. In general, Windows Hosting is more expensive than Unix hosting. 
5.  Do some research - visit Google and WebHostingTalk and look up feedback on a host.


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