In LiteSpeed admin interface do the following:
Configuration -> Server -> Edit -> "Enable LVE" = "Yes" -> Save
If you are using CageFS then choose cagefs there.
- CloudLinux (Admin Console --> Configuration --> Server --> General): CageFS;
- Enable SuExec: Server-> General -> PHP SuEXEC -> Yes;
- LSPHP5 external app runs in SUEXEC non-daemon mode ONLY (Run On Start Up --> Yes or No);
- In LSPHP5 external app (Admin Console --> Configuration --> Server --> External App --> lsphp5).
Change the command:
1) In order to use PHP Selector and custom php.ini, lsphp5 needs to be in SuEXEC non-daemon mode.
2) Some PHP configurations require more memory for SuEXEC to work properly. If you are getting error 500 after switching suEXEC to non-daemon mode, try to increase Memory Soft Limit and Memory Hard Limit for external App (Admin Console --> Configuration --> Server --> External App --> lsphp5 ) to at least 650/800M.